
SNF Reports

Knowing more about your hospital can lead to more admissions!


3 Year Trend  I  Physicians  I  Diagnosis  I  Reimbursement  I  Demographics  I  Month


3 Year Trend Report

LTCDS 3 Year TrendClick image to expand

This report shows if your hospital’s Medicare discharges to SNFs has increased or declined over the last 3 years. It also shows how many patients you are admitting vs. your competitors. Learn if you are getting your fair share of Medicare admissions.
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Hospital discharges to competing SNFs broken down by Physicians

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This report provides a list of the top physicians from your hospital that are discharging to SNFs. Learn which physicians provide the greatest value to build relationships with in order to increase your Medicare admissions.
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Hospital discharges to competing SNFs broken down by Primary Diagnosis

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This report provides the primary diagnosis of all the Medicare discharges from your local hospital. Learn what type of patients competing SNFs are receiving from your hospital.
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Hospital discharges to competing SNFS broken down by length of stay, average reimbursement, and 30-day rehospitalization.

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This report provides key SNF reimbursement data points on patients discharged from your local hospital. It compares your facility to your competitors as it relates to length of stay, average reimbursement and 30-day rehospitalization.


Hospital discharges to competing SNFs broken down by Demographics

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This report provides the demographics of all your hospital’s Medicare discharges sent to SNFs. It is broken down by race, age, and gender.
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Hospital discharges to competing SNFs broken down by Month

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This report provides month by month data on actual Medicare discharges from the hospital to your top competitors.

To learn more about the value our data can provide for you,
call 201-343-4539 or click here.

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